very scrumptious
very scrumptious
Enjoyed the cat walking one, that was bloody perfect! Alot of them were short, ended abruptly with a explosion or something, but understood. Keep fining your animation skills.
The animation wasnt dull at all had personality to it. The sounds were all great, the writing for this concept was brilliantly funny.
I had a room of like 12 people watching this, super funny
Wasnt bad id suggest more intense music, not intense but something a bit more fast paced, it would have kept me more interested. Not bad animation
It was alright animation, but theres no point in watching this. You should have some sort of overall point to a flash, wether its to get a high score, tell a joke, or envision your fantasy world, it should have a overall flow. Good animation, but a not so good flash.
like the gargoyle sees a full moon, than reacs havoc onto the church/city, OH NO morning and hes back to a statue - example
Thank you for the thoughtful feedback; I will be adding a real storyline to my next submission. However, I do understand that this submission is just simply an animation with no plot.
I'll remember your advice on flow for Flash #2.
This was so simple and funny, i think this is something people can learn from, keeping it simple but always going forward to a joke or point.
No backgrounds, or sound, but hey, thats fine for it loads right away, i dunno why but i loved it
Thank you for the good review. As for the sound, there is some sound you can just berely hear it through all the music.
Made me laugh
This was well done, got a point across, funny and well done. I liked it, your a good flash artist hope ya win!
Youre your own mentor
Joined on 3/9/09