just wow.
Awsome man, genious. Reminds me of "where the wild things are"
Purdy nice man.
just wow.
Awsome man, genious. Reminds me of "where the wild things are"
Purdy nice man.
purdy cool
Someone votes it down every day ohwell. Its on 8 other websites so youll have to keep busy!
Would have been better with difficulty settings, agreed as with other people. AND MOAR ENEMIES!
I still love the inbetween vs screens.
~The artist!
It's your own game, you're supposed to vote 10 you douche! :P
I like it, but you get screwed over too much, sometimes there just isnt a certain peice, i think you could have covered that up somehow.
awh man
game engine and all that is good, i wish i did the graphics they could have been better. Great gameplay though
Awsome, if it were somehow made more into a game, have some sort of like keep the orbit in this arc for 10 points or for the human race to survive, this is the foundation of a uniqely awsome game.
Great engine, and effort, the animations were preety crisp. I get bored easily though. I wasnt able to play through all of it.
what a twist
This was easy, one level? I did like it though, even if i wasnt shore, spamming words was easy enough, difficulty would be neat, like change the words difficulty, and maybe the enemies, just my input. Well done game look forward to other intuitive creations!cheers
Oh man
This game has awsome art, style and the animation is simple. This inspires me to create a fresh game, it is awsome.
Cool concept and you guys acted on it 100%. I loved how you kept stretching the game over scenes. Brilliant
Youre your own mentor
Joined on 3/9/09