preety awsome
I like the groovy ness, could be a bit more better/more going on scince its a calendar peice.
preety awsome
I like the groovy ness, could be a bit more better/more going on scince its a calendar peice.
I like the colors, could have more going on, but its nice and simple.
i cant review all your stuff
but i like all your stuff. Interesting things
Thanks man!
good art
Its good proportions, and the color scheme seems awsome. Could be more 3dimensional as said before. & thanks for the recruit!
Thanks, and youre welcome
Is music a inspiration for your art? I love your works youve got posted up here, im a fan fosho.
Music is a very important part of my process, just as important as what mode my mind is in at the time i draw or paint.
better than porn, just kidding
Youre your own mentor
Joined on 3/9/09