As my job dwells on, the slow times come and hours will be cut around janurary preety badly so im gona want to keep making art/money so any programmers holla at me! my art skills have greatly increased scince nanobot and drunkpandas. I want to work on sidescrollers, i gots ideas but theyre preety rough ideas.
Check out my caricatures at
kamikazepanda caricatures
I forgot what erasing was like. I have found a new love for the game dig dug.
sorry i've taken ages to reply, i don't check my userpage to often :P
i had another look at your blog, i really liked the digital caricatures they have quite a different style, it's good to see that you can experiment with other styles.
and as for your live caricatures, the lines are looking really fluent which gives it a ery proffesional look, NICE! :D