If you ever talked to me via email, pm me if youd like me new email (mainly you mr programmers)
I like fART
If you program, and seriously program straight in flash, where progress takes place, I will gladly work on games with you. Ive started about 3 decent games, main character animations was all i ever got down on most. I have a real awe inspiring thing for sidescroller 2d games. Theyre great, so if your interested in a sidescroller ninja panda game (the anatomy rocks!) Conctact me I have monday and tuesday off, ill work on it on the weekends too when possible.
Im interested in $$$ But really wanna make it good, dad n me, and spewer are well done flashes, I hope to aim to a level close to those. PM MY ASS IM ON CPU EVERDAY FOR A FEW HOURS
Your fART is awesome!! Submit more so I can scout you. :3
Yeah im doing retail caricature full time, its hard to produce good art, over a good product but once i get a dig cam maybe i can do more so of producing good fARTS.